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#2024 Sale is Live! Use the promo code HELLO_KENTA_2024 to get  20%  off today.

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  5. Installing Kenta Blocks Premium

Installing Kenta Blocks Premium

Download Premium Plugin

After purchase the premium version, you can download premium files follow the steps below.

  1. Go and login to our member dashboard.
  2. Download kenta-blocks-premium.x.x.x.zip from Downloads page.

‘x.x.x’ is the version number, the version number will change as the theme is updated

Note for Mac users who are using Safari: If your download appears as an ordinary folder instead of a zip file, go to “Safari Preferences > General” and uncheck “Open ‘safe’ files after downloading”. Then the download will remain a zip file and not be unpacked.

Add Kenta Blocks Premium to your site

Go to “Plugins -> Add New” Page, and click “Upload Plugin” button.

Upload and install premium plugin.

Active the installed plugin.

Click the Active License link.

Then you will be asked to enter your License key.

You can find your License Key from the members dashboard. Then enter your License Key and click “Agree & Active License”, after active your license your can access all premium features and receive premium update.